A gender-inclusive learning environment for all!

Record your life!

Share your artifacts with us through email! We will post it in our gallery! Just like sharing a travel vlog!

Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we’ll augment our intelligence.
— Ginni Rometty

We aim to increase the playfulness of AI:

  • increase interest in AI concepts

  • contextualize AI through social impact

  • reduce anxiety in using AI technology

Let's make it! You can play TikTok, then you can do it! AI is not far from life!


Style on the Street

Grade 8-9
Supplementary Materials for AIK12 Guidelines

(instruction highly recommended)

Read our blogs to explore how to make your classifier!

Join the journey of fashion on the street!


AI Literacy for friends and family!

AI Literacy for friends and family!